Friday, 30 August 2013

What is Termite Tenting & How to do It?


Termite tenting can be your only option if you wish to save all the other parts of your house which are infested and affected by drywood termites.
 These organisms don’t necessarily thrive in soil alone but it can also affect the other parts of a house and eventually build their colonies in there. 

Termite fumigation or what is commonly called termite tenting is a process by which a house is completely wrapped or covered by a nylon tent. It has to be sealed, with the entire house consumed with poisonous gas to completely eradicate the harmful insects such as the drywood termites. 
termite tenting just gone really bigger in virginia

These are small insects that would burrow and infect the undecayed wood. Since they don’t necessarily need to be living in soil, they can survive inside wooden furniture, telephone poles, buildings, and other materials at home. The damage that these small insects cause will lead to the weakening and eventually falling off of structures. The only solution to this problem is what we call now as termite tenting.

This activity can, however, be a little expensive, a little timely, and would need for a little adjustment for the family in terms of planning to move out for a little while. The process would take for an entire day or two so there would be a need to stay with a friend or relative’s house or stay in the hotel for the time being.

Vikane (sulfuryl fluoride) is the substance or the fumigant used to destroy the termites. It is described to be odorless, colorless, and doesn’t leave a residue. But when it stays with the material long enough, it would penetrate the wood’s pores and eventually kill the harmful drywood termites residing in the material.

In preparing for termite tenting, there is a need to evacuate all the living plants and pets at home, too. Medicines and other food stuffs need to be sealed in plastic wrappers. Sometimes, mattresses or pillows must also be taken away from home as well.

Termite Tenting: 6 Simple Tips for Termite Inspection Cost

Like any products or services, the cost of termite inspection can vary from one company to another. Therefore, it is necessary to do a little research or inquiry in picking out the best company that will render great services at reasonable prices. Consider these few simple tips before you make your decision.
  1. Look if there’s any government department that licenses any termite inspection companies in your local area. In some other parts of the world, it is the Department of Agriculture. And if there’s such in your place, then it would be best if you pick out a company that is licensed by it.
  2. Look for a termite inspection company that has a membership with a reputable organization in your place. In other locations, it is the National Pest Management Association. Having a membership also conveys that a company is an established firm.
  3. You might want to contact your home insurance agent and discuss with them about the termite inspection. Some insurance companies cover the entire termite tenting cost when it is licensed by a company.
  4. Don’t focus too much on the price—inquire about the other inclusions in termite inspection cost. Different companies have different kinds of termite inspection and you might find other offers that come in package deals. Do you only want to purchase the termite inspection or do you also want to include preventions, termite tenting, and guarantees in the future? All of these options vary greatly in price in various companies.
  5. Just don’t panic. Some homeowners worry too early over thinking that their home is entirely infested with pests. If you focus too much on your anxiety, it will lead you contact just any company come across your search. Have a presence of mind to be able to decide properly.
  6. Don’t go with companies that are too pushy as if pressuring you to deal with them right away. They can use tactics that would scare you that your house is going to fall off because of the infestation. Termite tenting is available.

Termite Bonds Before Termite Tenting

Termites can really be a huge problem at home and it can be unraveled with termite tenting. It has been said that prevention is better than cure. You can save yourself much trouble and expenses when you haven’t dealt with your termite problems, and termite tenting can really be expensive. The best way to prevent this issue is to deal with it as early as possible. This is called termite bond. Some people avail termite treatment but it is only a temporary problem because two weeks after, they come running back again. Termite protection contract or termite bond is insurance or a guarantee. You pay the company a certain amount of dollar not for a single service of termite treatment but for the whole treatment for a specified time until all the termites are gone and never come back again. This makes more sense because you are paying to fully unravel the termite issue not just in the present but also in the future come backs.

Dangers of Termite Tenting in Your House

Although termite tenting is the solution for the problems in termite infestation, it can also be harmful if some precautions are not taken into consideration.
It is the oldest and surest way of killing these harmful pests. The creation of air-seal around the structure, the filling of poisonous gases, and leaving it out for days effectively kill the termites and all that is in there because there’s no way out for them.
You can hire a professional pest control expert to guide you and give you advices of what to evacuate from your house like food and pets. They can also leave a fan in there to distribute throughout the building.
Pesticides are naturally harmful to any living being. Have extreme caution for your pets for any small amount of residual pesticide can harm your pets at home.
 Termite tenting must be organized and well planned to prevent any untoward signs of trouble.


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